Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any additional questions please call the shop at: (281) 560-3897

This is why it is our number one Frequently Asked Questions. The simple answer is that it does. It’s not as easy as people would like you to believe. Your body’s natural painkillers (endorphins), will kick in after a short time and make it easier. The time these endorphins stay in your body is what will determine how long you can keep a tattoo session going. It usually takes between 2-3 hours, and then you’ll feel extremely uncomfortable.
Many people compare tattoo pain to a mild burning sensation or cat scratch. But, where the tattoo is placed will determine how much it hurts. Any area that is directly above bone will be sensitive, including the feet, hands and head as well. This is the list of most painful spots. A large muscle can protect sensitive areas such as the forearm and upper-arm. This will make it easier to find a more painless spot. However, every person’s pain threshold is different so there aren’t any hard and fast answers.
It is not recommended to tattoo quickly. Two hours is enough to finish a fairly complex piece about the size of your hand. The more complicated pieces will take many sittings and can take up to ten hours to complete. Most appointments take several hours. But smaller pieces may only need a thirty-minute appointment. The complexity of a full sleeve can require anywhere from ten to fifty working hours by a professional artist.
Tattooing is a business where you get what your pay for. A good artist will not come cheap. You could end up spending more later on, when you need to cover up or have your tattoos removed by a laser. Keep your money in reserve until you have the funds to buy what you truly want. Don’t settle. Just because you want to get ink now, it will not be a decision you can make for the rest of your life.
This is a more common question than you might imagine. While numbing cream can be used, not all tattoo studios recommend it. The cream must be applied several hours before your appointment and should last between thirty-five to forty-five minutes. Due to tattooing being an art and not an exact science, it is possible for you to wait longer than your appointment, or the tattooist may finish work that took more time than you expected. This makes it difficult to accurately time the application. Also, even if you do manage to apply the cream correctly, it can be very limited to tattoos that are simple or small. The cream can last for a few hours before your tattoo will be completely dry. Your body will no longer produce pain-killing chemicals, and your body will return to the source of the pain without any protection.
According to the tattooist, some customers may experience skin puffiness from the creams. This means that tattooists will have to work harder in order to get the ink to the skin. This can cause undesirable scabbing and have repercussions on the healing process.
Tablet pain killers may also pose a problem. Aspirin can be a problem because it thins blood and reduces clotting. This will lead to excessive bleeding which will impact the quality of your final tattoo. Aspirin can also delay the tattoo’s healing process, so it is best not to use it. Paracetamol has no effect, positive or negative, on your tattoo. Ibuprofen-based painkillers are able to provide some minor pain relief, by reducing the swelling. However, they will not interfere with the tattoo.
They can. And they won’t scare you. There are many options available to you when you need to get rid off ink. Cover-up is by far the most common option. This involves working closely with your tattoo artist to create a design that will cover and “cover-up” the previous one. It is difficult to cover up an existing tattoo. There are some misconceptions. The new tattoo will be placed in the same layer of skin as the previous one (the dermis), so it is important to cover the tattoo with something darker than the original tattoo. This makes it easier to cover old, faded tattoos than new, brighter ones. For obvious reasons, black panthers were a favorite cover-up option for the ‘Old School of Tattooists’. This means that the new tattoo should be significantly larger than the one that is being covered. The old design cannot be lost by the new one. This depends on the type of tattoo you want to cover and the skill level of your artist.
Laser removal is another option. This is a very effective option, depending on your tattoo’s age and the colour, but it can also be time-consuming.
There is also a third option, which is a combination or both of the two. Laser removal can be used for the reduction of tattoo density. A more appealing (and often smaller) design can then be used to cover the old one. This requires less laser treatment than the removal and provides better coverage on the new tattoo.
You would choose your tattoo design from either the designs hanging in your tattoo studio or their pre-drawn designs. These designs are known as Flash Art. These works were rarely created by tattooists. Instead, they were purchased from ‘Flash Art Suppliers’. Today things are different. Although there are still some tattooists that rely on Flash (often due to their limited artistic abilities), there are more tattooists willing to design custom work. This requires more artistic skill so expect to pay slightly more. But you will get an original piece, not the same one five people have.
You can also work with your artist to create a tattoo with more meaning that you love. These all add up to greater value over time.
Opal Lotus Tattoo doesn’t sell flash art. Each tattoo is custom-made for each customer. This ensures that you receive only the best in custom-made designs. To discuss your design, we recommend you start with a complimentary consultation with your artist. You can share any references with your tattoo artist that you feel are relevant. This will make the process easier. Your tattoo artist will appreciate your reference material, even if it doesn’t need to be exact. Your tattoo artist should give you plenty of advice about the limitations of your art. The tattoo artist should give you advice on where to place it and how it will be viewed. A small piece on the wrist might work better on the thigh. The tattoo’s durability should be discussed. It is possible to create intricate and delicate tattoos. However, tattoo ink will thin over time so your delicate tattoo might look fantastic on the day but fade and become unrecognizable after a few years. For ten years, a bolder design can look amazing. Although the customer has the final say, it is important to make an informed decision.
After having had an initial conversation with your artist, you’ll want to book a time at their studio. Your tattoo artist will typically have an idea of the time it takes to complete your tattoo and can advise you on costs. If you are booking an appointment, you will need to pay a deposit of 150 dollars (or less), to avoid timewasters. This deposit will be used to offset any artwork that the tattoo artist may produce for you in the event you do not show up. If you do show up, however, your deposit will be deducted from the cost of your tattoo. Artwork will be shown at the time of appointment. Please do not attempt to message the artist asking, “have you finished the drawing”. Once we have had a consultation and discussed in detail your design we will be ready to show you the artwork at the appointment. We try to book proper time to go over the artwork and make any changes you may require. As long as it is not a change in concept. For example, we discussed a Daisy flower at the consultation and now you would like to get a rose flower. If this is the case then we will need to go through the consultation process once again and a new appointment/deposit must be made. We aren’t fussy about designs. We understand that this is your tattoo. If you don’t love your design, we will redraw it as many times necessary to make it perfect.
Talk to the tattoo artists and visit their studios. A tattoo is a personal experience. You need to build a relationship with your tattooist and feel at home in their studio. How does their customer service look? Some tattooists will treat their customers with contempt. It is possible to get help from another studio if you receive an unhelpful reply or are told to “pick something from Flash”.
Are the premises clean and presentable? How can a tattoo artist keep their studio clean and tidy? You could put your health and safety at risk. Although tattooing is regulated by minimal standards, each studio must ensure they meet all safety and health regulations. The cleanliness of the studio will also reflect the customer’s well-being.
No. This is not an option for several reasons. Your blood is thinner due to alcohol. This can lead to excessive bleeding, which makes it harder for tattoo artists and causes the ink to bleed as it is being applied. This can lead to slow and inconsistent results.
It is possible for alcohol to cause a temporary effect that lasts several days. Therefore, it is not a good idea after a night of drinking to get a tattoo.
There are many things you can do that will make your experience better and more enjoyable. First, ensure you have something to eat or drink an hour before your appointment. Your body responds in shock-like fashion to the tattoo. This is because it produces endorphins that help to heal the skin. It can lead to light-headedness, nausea, fainting, and a decrease in blood sugar. This can be avoided by having a meal or consuming natural sugars like orange juice.
Your artist will assist you if you feel faint after a tattoo. You don’t have to tell your artist, but if you chose your studio well, they will be completely sympathetic to your needs. They will help you navigate the experience with dignity. Many tattoo studios offer hardboiled sweets and lollies to keep your sugar levels high during tattoos. Second, think about what clothes you’ll be wearing. You will know exactly where you will get your tattoo so dress accordingly. If you feel vulnerable, you can cover the studio area by closing the door or placing a screen. These conversations should be had with your studio. They will then be able tell you what they can do to make sure you feel at ease.
Don’t wear your Sunday best. Your artist will try their best to keep your clothing clean and tattoo ink won’t stain. However, you can still get ink on your clothes so wearing dark clothes is recommended. You should remember that tattoo ink is extremely concentrated and can travel a lot. To remove tattoo ink from clothing, use a hot wash. Third, You can use a trimmer to knock down any thick hairs. Your tattoo artist will use a sterile razor to provide a close shave for you. You may want to discuss hair removal options with your artist at the time of consultation for sensitive locations such as the head. But don’t worry; your tattoo artist will still shave if you haven.
You will be able to save time when applying the stencil, and your time will go towards the actual tattoo itself rather than the preparation of the area. This is a minor thing that your tattoo artist will appreciate. Opal Louts doesn’t consider this an issue. Because we don’t believe that there should be any financial pressure, we will only charge for what you actually get tattooed. An MP3 player or some other distractions such as a book or smart-phone are also options. Some people prefer to talk to the tattooist while others prefer quiet, while others enjoy distractions such as the above mentioned.
There are risks, but it’s very unlikely it will happen. The chances of you catching anything are very similar to visiting the dentist if your choices have been made and you’ve chosen your tattoo shop carefully. You can be sure that everything is sterilized according to medical standards. Reputable tattooists will be trained in infection control procedures and willing to discuss their work with you. Do not hesitate to ask them if they are certified in infection control.
Correct infection control procedures can lead to blood-borne pathogens being transmitted from one tattooist to another. This could include HIV and Hepatitis. Be cautious, though. The vast majority of tattooists are licensed and insured. There is no risk of getting sick from getting a tattoo. This won’t be an issue if you choose your tattoo studio carefully.
You might also hear someone say:
“I got my tattoo/piercing from ABC Tattoo, and it is infected. I believe that the infection came from ABC Tattoo.”
This is complete rubbish! You won’t get an infection from blood-borne virus (viral), unless you have a specific infection that is caused by bacteria. Bacteria builds up over time and you don’t catch it. This only means that you used poor aftercare.
This is true for laser removal, tattooing, and piercing. The only way bacteria can infect you is to not keep the wound (yes, it’s a wound) clean. Check out our relevant sections for more information about caring for your tattoo, piercing and laser treatment.
Be sure to get enough sleep, hydrate, and eat recently. You can also take a shower, recharge your phone or tablet to full capacity, and not bring in big group of friends.
It’s better to be comfortable than fashionable. According to the place you are getting tattooed, looser is better than tighter.
• Take a bath
• Don’t bring your kids. They are not allowed to come with you.
• All necessary documentation
• It costs money to do good work – so make sure are prepared!
• Eat before you come in!
• You should plan for a crash if diabetic.
• It may not be possible to tattoo your idea
• You don’t have to like it just because you saw it in Pinterest.
If you are not ready to get tattooed, it is best to avoid:
• Drunk
• High
• Pregnant
• Before Surgery
• After Surgery
• You don’t want to know what you want
• It’s not possible to afford it
• Sunburns are a sign of skin cancer.
• When you haven’t washed.
• If you take your children along
Your new tattoos should heal within the first two weeks. You should expect that your skin will take 4-6 weeks to recover from the damage.
The itch will start to develop as the skin heals, which usually takes about a week. This is completely normal. You can use good moisturizers to make it easier, but do not scratch it! You can try running it under cold water for a few minutes to get rid of any itchiness.
Before you even sit down, we often spend hours drawing and preparing a tattoo. You can rest assured that you will make your appointment on time and that we haven’t worked for nothing.
The minimum order for a shop is $100. It might seem obvious, but we use nearly the same amount very expensive supplies to create a tattoo that is the size of quarters as we do for one that is the size of softballs. Every item must be sterilized both before and afterwards.
Tips are not required but are always appreciated!
Tip those who perform services for you. It doesn’t matter if it’s your barber/hairstylist or waiter or the children at the lemonade stand across the street. If they provide a service, you should tip them. This also applies to your tattoo artist.
It all depends on the source. There are many options for inks available today. Inks are high-quality and have been tested for years without any side effects. The manufacture of inks must be regulated in order to meet certain safety and health standards. However, this is only true in the EU and USA. Unfortunately, the sale of tattoo products on eBay has opened up to counterfeits and cheaper Chinese inks. These Chinese inks are dangerous. Recent research revealed that certain inks from China contained toxic and banned substances. It is not enough for tattoo artists to only use trusted brands. They must also source inks directly from the manufacturer or an approved outlet of the manufacturer to maintain the integrity of the product.

walk ins welcome
Get inked today!
Don’t wait any longer – get that beautiful tattoo you have been dreaming of today! Clear your schedule and come to Opal Lotus Tattoo for a walk-in session any day from Wednesday to Sunday between 11am and 7pm. Seize this moment now for the perfect ink masterpiece!